1 on 1 Mentoring available!
I have been offering beginner Photography classes over the years on and off. And have been hosting many Photographers workshops in various states around the US. But a good number of people have reached out to me wanting to learn at a slower pace. And some are not fans of learning in a class or event type atmosphere as well. So? I am now offering private 1 on 1 mentoring sessions! Several mothers and daughters have booked 1 on 2 sessions as well.... These are great educational experiences and people learn a ton! And have a blast in the process! Do you want to learn how to take control of your DSLR camera? Get it off the auto mode and begin using it on full manual? Or maybe you would like to learn how to take beautiful pics of people using natural light? How about coming into the studio and setting up Profoto studio lights and using them with guidance and direction? Get in touch to talk more about your photography and educational interests! The image below was taken recently on July 24th for a 1 on 1 mentoring session in my Albany, NY studio. The client wanted to learn more about using the camera on full manual, and also how to shoot people in mother natures beautiful light..... I snapped this image quickly of the guest model she brought with her, while illustrating light and shadow using window light off the street... I hope you like it :) Dan